How Do I Get Pain Relief For My TMJ?

Are you looking for pain relief from your TMJ disorder?
Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located on either side of your head, close to your ears. It works as a sliding hinge, allowing you to open and close your mouth to eat, speak, laugh, sing, and so on.
Unfortunately, for one reason or another, many people begin to experience a bit of dysfunction in this joint, eventually leading to unbearable pain that can be disruptive to life. If you have jaw pain, it is time to find relief. Let’s take a closer look at the treatment options available for TMJ disorders.
The Importance of TMJ Treatment
TMJ pain may come and go, but without treating the underlying cause, it will not go away on its own. This is why it is so important to seek treatment. When you do, you will find:
- Relief from the pain you feel
- The restoration of your jaw’s range of motion
- No more pain while chewing or opening your mouth wide
Most importantly, when you undergo TMJ treatment, you take care of the problem once and for all – leaving you confident that it will not reoccur.
Get Pain Relief for TMJ with These Treatments
For very mild TMJ pain, at-home treatment is all that is needed. This usually involves eating soft foods to give your jaw a rest, massaging the muscles around the ear and throughout the face, and applying an ice compress to the jaw. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication can also help to provide relief.
Professional treatment from your dentist can be sought if these at-home remedies are not giving you the pain relief you are seeking. Below are the most effective treatment options available.
Bite Splints and Mouth Guards
Bruxism is a huge culprit when it comes to TMJ disorders. And, bite splints, sometimes referred to as night guards, stabilization splints, or mouth guards, can reduce the clenching and grinding that comes with it during the night.
The splints are worn while sleeping and provide a cushion to reduce the impact and damage bruxism causes — in turn, reducing TMJ pain.
BOTOX Injections
BOTOX injections have been around for many, many years and have been used mostly for cosmetic purposes, such as to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Medically, it has been used for treating migraines, muscle spasms, overactive bladders, and more.
Today, doctors are finding that because BOTOX prevents muscles from moving, it can be beneficial for relieving the symptoms of TMJ disorders, too.
Surgical Treatment
For more severe TMJ pain, surgical treatment may be necessary. This may involve replacing joints, reconstruction, bite adjustments, the removal of damaged tissue, and the like. These procedures can be highly effective for those who don’t find relief from other less–invasive treatment options.
TMJ Pain Relief at Queen’s Crown Dental
At Queen’s Crown Dental, we want you to live your best life in Honolulu. Because untreated TMJ pain can severely impact your quality of life, it is time to take action. We have different treatment options available to help you find the relief you have been looking for.
Contact us today at 808-526-2800. Or, book an appointment online.